Nowadays Smartphones are more in high producing units than tablets and Computers. And these smartphones can do pretty much every and anything we want in our lives. Most people can use smartphones conveniently than any other devices. We have different apps for different purposes that can perform like tablets and laptops. Below are reasons why smartphones are better than laptops and tablets;
NOTE: Am not saying Laptops and Tablets are not useful but just reason why smartphones are preferable to them.
1. Convenient Usage and Easy Handling
Though a tablet or laptop can offer you more space with their big displays. However, these tablets and laptops cannot be as handy and portable as a smartphone. A smartphone, even for those whose screen measure 6 inch, can be easily kept in your pocket, bag, purse and hold in your hand comfortably anywhere and anytime. Smartphones also give you fast and easy access right at the moment you need.
2. Easy Multi-Tasking with Amazing Features
The next reason smartphones are winning over tablets and laptops is that these mobile devices can operate almost any task you need to do from a bigger device. Pictures, emails, internet surfing, office documents etc. can be conducted via your 5-inch device. Plus, that 5-inch device even looks super cool and will not tire your hand from holding it for a long time. Did I mention you can play games, read, listen to music and watch videos, which are the activities that easily make your waiting time much more interesting and meaningful. Some people have made a very good comparison, saying your smartphone is like a Swiss Army knife that does a bit of everything and can replace most other heavy, bulky gadgets.
3. Calling and Text Messaging
Yes, it can be easier to work with office documents, emailing and other typing-related tasks on a bigger machine like a tablet or laptop. But they can not perform calling and text-messaging (most of them can not). Like I have mentioned at number 3, a smartphone is a mobile phone first.
4. Fast and Efficient Connectivity
The smartphone is at first, a mobile phone. But beside working as a texting and calling machine, smartphones nowadays have internet connections under the forms of Wi-fi, hotspot and 3G (somewhere even experiencing 4G LTE and 5G in the near future). With this connectivity, you can be ensured to bring your little magical mobile device with you to any destination. It can work as your map (by activating GPS and Google maps), your compass, your advisers just by performing a few swipes.
5. Easy and Fun Access to Social Media
You can do many things with a smartphone while the computer/tablets cannot do. With a smartphone, you can download all the fun apps to connect with friends regardless of the distance. With a smartphone, you can take photos, retouch and share immediately. With a smartphone, you can do voice chat, video call, and anything available free-of-charge on Play store.
Do you have any additional confusing reason? Make use of the comment section. Good points would be added to the main post.