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HomeBusinessConvenient Mobile Apps for Enabling Business Exposure

Convenient Mobile Apps for Enabling Business Exposure

Mobile apps are attaining the state of ubiquity in recent times that have started to become more dominant in various fields. In this digital world, there is an app for everything that fulfills the people’s everyday requirements. Apps play a key role in both personal and professional lives of an individual.

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In other words, these apps are becoming a part of many fields of businesses such as entertainment apps, news apps, marketing apps, HR apps, educational apps, business apps and more. These mobile apps now influenced their importance in business, which in turn results in the increase in the number of business apps.

Characteristics of the Business Apps Environment

Business professionals must aware of many elements to developing their business in a progressive way. It includes time management, communication, organizing ability, leadership quality, managerial skills, recent technological developments and more. Mobile apps are available separately to perform the unique task like managing, organizing, productivity, utility and much more.

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  • Organize

Organizing apps must organize all the events such as details about the meeting, travel information, bills, accounts section and more. There are many organizing apps available to assemble all these information into a single convenient folder.

  • Communication

Communication is another important requirement for a business executive to interact with their clients. Many apps are available for translation services, language learning, and other general messaging apps.

  • Security

Businesses must keep their conversations and other related matters as highly confidential to avoid counteract from their rivals before the implementation. For this reason, the transmission medium of the information should be much secured to avoid the leakage of information. To solve this problem, many security apps are available in the market that protects the transmitted information.

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  • Productivity

The companies are using different types of apps for their development and some of the productivity apps are utilizing for the improvement of business and to do the job in an efficient manner.

Personalize apps for Business professionals

In this market, there are a number of business apps are available for the business executives to enhance their growth of the company. Some of those apps were listed below.

  • 360 Security by 360 Security apps

Business executives are mostly concerned about their security because most of their business conversations were taking place through the mobile phones. The in-built security in the smartphones can provide security to some extent, but having an additional security app will provide a greater protection to the conversations.

360 security app is available as antivirus app and it also improves the functionality and speed of the smartphone by clearing junk files, memory space. This app is also helpful to improve the battery life. It has an additional anti-theft feature that would locate the phone and erase all the documents if the mobile was lost. It even sets out an alarm and locks the device automatically. This app is available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store for free.

  • ColorNote by Social and Mobile

ColorNote is a combination of sticky notes, reminders, to-do-lists, and calendars features into a single app. In multicolored sticky notes, the user can assign different colors to various notes for rapid identification. Similarly, ColorNote also has the feature of assigning various colors to the notes. The user can also create lists with the links to email accounts, websites, phone numbers, and addresses to simplify the process.

The app adds an additional security for business professionals who want to protect their confidentiality by setting a password to access the ColorNote app. It is available for free in App Store and Google Play Store.

  • CamScanner

CamScanner allows the smartphone users to create PDF files with the help of their mobile devices. The users have to take a photo of the document by the in-built camera present in the mobile phones. By using CamScanner facilitates the user to highlight or annotate the document, create a watermark to assure that the document was not illegally copied and can share with the associates. It is available in Google Play Store for free.

  • Avast Mobile Security

One of the top-rated security apps is Avast Mobile Security, which is used to hide the IP address by providing protected Wi-Fi connections with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection. This app does not reveal the users’ internet activity to the outside world. It will be highly useful for the people who frequently use the public Wi-Fi connections to hide their browsing history. This mobile app eases the business activities through an unsecured and open Wi-Fi network. It is available in both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

  • DuoLingo

Business executives have to communicate with the clients all over the world where they may not know English. DuoLingo is the most popular business app among the business executives. This app does not make the professional speak fluently in the language, but it will teach the basics for a simple conversation. The app is available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

  • CM Security

CM security is one of the popular security apps developed by well-known company Cheetah Mobile. This app offers the locking facility where the user can lock several apps on their phone or tablet. It had a feature called ‘privacy cleaner’, which deletes stored and registered personal information from the mobile devices. It also had a feature of taking the picture of a person who is trying to open the app without the users’ permission. It also includes a Wi-Fi scanner to find the scam networks. Currently, this app is available for Android devices only as free software.

  • Mint

Mint provides an easy way to manage the money from the smartphones. It was one of the widely used finance apps in the market and developed by Intuit. This app allows the user to merge all the bank accounts, credit or debit cards, 401k and transaction details in a single place. This app also tracks the budgets and checks the credit score. Even it provides customized tips to save the money based on the users’ spending habits and it also reminds the user to pay the bills. Mint is available for free on both Android and iOS mobile devices.

  • Viber

Viber is an instant messaging app helps the business professional who has to talk frequently with the overseas clients or travels a lot without any charges. It allows the user to make free phone calls and send free text messages. Viber is available as a free app in the Google Play store and Apple App store.


There are lots of mobile applications were available in the Play store and the App store to enhance the growth of business. Here we have discussed some of the mobile apps widely used by the business professionals. Every mobile app has a unique feature of its own and they are designed to perform specific functions.

Business executives must analyze the requirements for their business and take appropriate actions to the issues. These mobile apps are helpful for the business professionals to do their work in a more efficient and convenient manner. These apps increase the growth of a company by several ways, such as time saving, organizing the daily activity, reminds the important meetings and dates, maintaining finance sector and more other ways.

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