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HomeTechComputerWhy Your Computer Needs More Than an Antivirus

Why Your Computer Needs More Than an Antivirus

Nowadays mostly all the world has been reliant on Antivirus programs to increase the level of protection on their computers and laptops but do we know this antivirus program cannot do all the tasks. These days, you would be at risk for using your computer or laptop to browse without putting the right protection measures in place. Relying on antivirus programs for protection is good. However, believing that you only need antivirus programs for protection is a wrong decision. As crucial as the antivirus programs are at protecting computers, trusting them solely for this purpose would be a mistake for some reasons I stated below:

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There are Millions of Viruses to Fight

Traditional antivirus programs provide adequate protection against known viruses. When dealing with new viruses, such programs would not be able to provide the level of protection that the computer needs. New viruses are good at conducting multiple attacks before antivirus creators can develop the appropriate software to protect computers against such. Hackers are great at using the limited lifespan that viruses enjoy before getting caught by antivirus programs.

Newer Attacks have nothing to do with the Computer

More new attacks keep appearing, and the sad fact is that they do not all target computers. Many of the attacks on the market today seems to target mobile devices in addition to cloud services and social media accounts. The year 2007 marked the first time malware was discovered on Facebook. Since then, more malware has targeted Facebook and other social media platforms. The attacks revolve around installing viruses on computers and hacking social media accounts.

Higher Stakes

The use of the Internet has undergone massive evolution – a fact that has heightened the consequences arising out of security incidences that might occur with computers and laptops. In the past, the loss of files and a temporary disabling of the computer was all that people with computers, and laptops had to worry about from viruses. These days, attacking the computer via viruses means the following:

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  • Loss of personal files
  • Loss of public persona
  • Interference with the ability to perform billable work
  • Client relationships

While the antivirus software is effective at protecting the computer against viruses, you also need to institute other measures that ensure your machine is not at greater risk than necessary. For example, keeping all software in the computer up to date would be an excellent way to close the door to all forms of malware. This way, the malware would be unable to exploit security loopholes that exist in older applications on your computer.

Finally, double-check everything on your computer from time to time. This is because a single anti-malware program would be unable to catch all the different types of malware. Look for 2-3 different programs to check that the computer is free from viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware among others. With all that you would be safe from any virus of any type.

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Ogunrinola Adams
Ogunrinola Adams
Ogunrinola Adams is a Web Developer/Designer, Graphic Designer, Blogger, Content Manager/Writer, Digital Marketer, and UI/UX Designer.


  1. This is such a WELL EXPLAINED article. I’ve been searching a lot for such a post!
    This is probably the best, most concise step by step guide of ” your-computer-needs-more-than-an-antivirus” In Nowadays Hacking world security is very important .
    Thanks for sharing buddy !!


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