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HomeTechComputerAll Useful Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys

All Useful Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys

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Good day to you, as we all know Microsoft Word is used for typing and designing. Most people are not used to shortcuts which can aid easy working on a computer with Microsoft word. Below are the Microsoft word shortcuts:
microsoft word shortcut keys

All Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + 0
Adds or removes 6pts of spacing before a paragraph.

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Ctrl + A
Select all contents of the page.

Ctrl +B
Bold highlighted selection.

Ctrl + C
Copy selected text.

Ctrl + D
Open the font preferences window.

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Ctrl + E
Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen.

Ctrl + F
Open find box.

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Ctrl + I
Italic highlighted selection.

Ctrl + J
Aligns the selected text or line to justify
the screen.

Ctrl + K
Insert link. Ctrl + L Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.

Ctrl + M
Indent the paragraph.

Ctrl + P

Open the print window.

Ctrl + R

Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen.

Ctrl + T
Create a hanging indent.

Ctrl + U
Underline highlighted selection.

Ctrl + V

Ctrl + X
Cut selected text.

Ctrl + Y
Redo the last action performed

Ctrl + Z
Undo the last action.

Ctrl + Shift + L
Quickly create a bullet point .

Ctrl + Shift + F
Change the font.

Ctrl + Shift + >
Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increases font +2pts.

Ctrl + ]
Increase selected font +1pts.

Ctrl + Shift + <
Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or
lower, if above 12 decreases font by +2pt.

Ctrl + [
Decrease selected font -1pts.

Ctrl + / + c
Insert a cent sign (¢).

Ctrl + ‘ +
Insert a character with an accent (grave)
mark, where is the character you
want. For example, if you wanted an
accented è you would use Ctrl + ‘ + eas your shortcut key. To reverse the accent
mark use the opposite accent mark, often
on the idle key.

Ctrl + Shift + *
View or hide non-printing characters.

Ctrl +
Moves one word to the left.

Ctrl +
Moves one word to the right.

Ctrl +
Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph.

Ctrl +
Moves to the end of the paragraph.

Ctrl + Del
Deletes word to the right of the cursor.

Ctrl + Backspace
Deletes word to the left of the cursor.

Ctrl + End
Moves the cursor to the end of the document.

Ctrl + Home
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the

Ctrl + Spacebar
Reset highlighted text to the default font.

Ctrl + 1
Single-space lines.

Ctrl + 2
Double-space lines.

Ctrl + 5
1.5-line spacing.

Ctrl + Alt + 1
Changes text to heading 1.

Ctrl + Alt + 2
Changes text to heading 2.

Ctrl + Alt + 3
Changes text to heading 3.

Alt + Ctrl + F2
Open new document.

Ctrl + F1
Open the Task Pane .

Ctrl + F2
Display the print preview .

Ctrl + Shift + >
Increases the highlighted text size by one.

Ctrl + Shift + <
Decreases the highlighted text size by one.

Ctrl + Shift + F6
Opens to another open Microsoft Word

Ctrl + Shift + F12
Prints the document.

Open Help.

Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)

Open the find, replace, and go to the window in Microsoft Word.

Spell check and grammar check selected text
or document.

Save as.

Shift + F3
Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase tolowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word.

Shift + F7
Runs a Thesaurus check on the word

Shift + F12

Shift + Enter
Create a soft break instead of a new paragraph.

Shift + Insert

Shift + Alt + D
Insert the current date.

Shift + Alt + T
Insert the current time.

In addition to the above shortcut keys, users can also use their mouse as a method of quickly do something commonly performed. Below some are examples of mouse shortcuts:
Click, hold, and drag
Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go.

If double-click a word, selects the complete word.

Double-clicking on the left, center, or right of a blank line will make the alignment of
the text left, center, or right-aligned.

Double-clicking anywhere after text on a line will set a tab stop.

Selects the line or paragraph of the text the mouse

Ctrl + Mouse wheel Zooms in and out of the document.

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Ogunrinola Adams
Ogunrinola Adams
Ogunrinola Adams is a Web Developer/Designer, Graphic Designer, Blogger, Content Manager/Writer, Digital Marketer, and UI/UX Designer.


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