Any sales rep and business owner will tell you that we're always looking for ways we can save time and gain even just a few minutes back in our day. Am I right, or am I right?
A fantastic way to do that is by using automation for your sales cycle and onboarding processes. By adding reminders and tasks as part of your triggered campaigns, you can rest assured that all tasks will be completed and all leads followed up with. No more potential business slipping through the cracks.
The latest InTouch Google integration allows for the fast and convenient set up of reminders and adding tasks to your list.
This daily and weekly calendar allows sales execs to track and monitor their progress and adjust goals accordingly. In addition, you can receive reminders added to your calendar that alert you to the right time to contact a lead when they’ve taken an action in a triggered campaign.
Time is sparse for sales reps and businesses managers so having a system that keeps all your appointments, meetings and projects in the online team calendar is essential, By taking out the tedious and error-prone aspect of manually setting up reminders to contact potential customers, you are setting your team and yourself for guaranteed success and better conversion rates.
Best part is you can access all this information about upcoming events and follow up tasks through you your mobile device as long as it’s linked to your Google Calendar.
Imagine all the time you will save and all the sales you will close by having follow up tasks and reminder automatically added to your calendar!
Go and give it a go!