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HomeBlog & SEOHow You Can Start Growing Reader Base for Personal...

How You Can Start Growing Reader Base for Personal Blog

Blogging has grown in popularity especially now that it is common knowledge that a popular blog can generate a healthy amount of income. Most people start their personal blog to share their experiences and knowledge but this does not mean that they cannot profit from it. Personal and professional experiences can be morphed into actionable articles giving advice for dilemmas encounters or problems that might have come up.
personal blog readers base
A proactive approach and daily work will be required in order to grow the reader base of your blog. The more traffic the more valuable that companies and brands looking for exposure will view it. Money not only comes from ads but also sponsored posts as well as product reviews. The following are a few of the many ways that you can begin growing a reader base for your personal blog.

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Write Multiple Articles Per Day (Even If You Don’t Publish Them)

Writing multiple articles per day is important as it could take a few hour per day. This gives a blogger the ability to take a day off and schedule posts throughout a month. Starting to put together an editorial calendar will be much easier with a content bank to source from on days where you simply do not have the time to write. This will also allow for a blogger incorporating holiday-themed articles or a spin on an old topic using the holiday for variety. Certain popular bloggers also do a podcast weekly or monthly so keep this in mind as you do not have to record the entire podcast at once. A few minutes a day can lead to a nice few hour podcast by the end of the month. This podcast can be used to talk about the niche the blog is in as well as recap important things that have happened in the niche or to the blogger.

Get Your Site Ready For The Traffic

Certain sites gain popularity due to some kind of viral post or consistently publishing unique engaging content. A site that does not have the appropriate web hosting setup can have that traffic lead their site to crash. The blog does not want to be known as one that is constantly down as readers might opt for a more reliable site to get their information and entertainment from. Take excessive media off of the front page as this can slow down loading times which impacts a site’s search engine ranking. Also, make sure that the text is easy to read as colors too similar to the text as a background could alienate a segment of people who might be using their mobile device or have a tough time seeing.

Reach Out To Similar Blogs To Contribute To

There are going to be blogs that have similar content or simply interests you. Getting your content on these blogs should not be difficult if you have a reasonable following. Most bloggers want their site to be exposed to as many eyes as they can so they will often accept an up and coming blogger. Combine these benefits with the fact that they do not have to create the content and it costs them nothing makes this a mutually beneficial arrangement. The more that you are featured on relevant sites to your blog with a link to your site the better as it will help the site rank for certain keywords. Being consistently published on finance publications if you run a finance advice blog can help turn yours into a thought leader. Plenty of well-known bloggers and consultants became popular through great content on their blog as well as contributed content to other publications as well.

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Give Your Readers a Nickname To Build A Sense of Community

Giving the readers of your blog a nickname can help build a sense of community. The sense of community will also come from you engaging with the readers in a variety of ways. Allowing certain readers to contribute quality content can show appreciation as well as take some content creation work off of your daily schedule. The banter in comments can be something that readers come back for regardless of the content quality. Social media is very much the same as a sense of community among the followers needs to be formed.

Creating a personal blog can be sort of a journal or you can gain attention as well as earn money from this venture. This does not mean the blog cannot be an outlet but rather instead of ranting give advice to people on how to avoid hardships you might have encountered throughout your lifetime. This can take quite a long time of quality content but those bloggers that hustle and create this content daily will be rewarded with new readers. Keep the readers coming back and attract new ones to help make your blog a household name!

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Ogunrinola Adams
Ogunrinola Adams
Ogunrinola Adams is a Web Developer/Designer, Graphic Designer, Blogger, Content Manager/Writer, Digital Marketer, and UI/UX Designer.


  1. When you start networking you will notice get more traffic shares and engagement on your blog. Once you have developed a strong relationship with other bloggers that when you can figure out other ways of helping each other. But remember there has to be mutual benefit.


  2. Here are some of the tricks that we need to follow!
    1.Build a presence on social media and attract followers.

    Publish content regularly and engage with your audience. Make sure that you are putting out high-quality content that brings your followers value. Read a more in-depth article on how you can improve your social media strategy. If done correctly, social media can be a great traffic source.

    2. Build a presence in the search engines by doing keyword research and refining your SEO strategy.

    Unless you’re BuzzFeed or other virally driven content sites, search engine traffic is sustainable over the long run if you’re ranking on the first page. The higher you rank in search engines, the more website visitors you will have. Most importantly, if you are ranked number one, you will get 33% of the clicks on that keyword.

    3. Enlist in paid advertising services either on social media, PPC campaigns in search engines, or through other advertising platforms.

    Advertising is a great way to dramatically increase website visitors- if done correctly. Remember to always study your ad campaigns to see how you can improve them to get the most bang for your buck. Popular places to market websites in order to increase website traffic is Google AdWords, Instagram ads and Facebook ads.

    4. Build backlinks.

    Build backlinks from other sites to increase your referral traffic. This will double-down on your SEO efforts if the backlinks are coming from reputable and high-ranking sites. The more backlinks you have, the better of you are but there’s a catch. Not all links referring to your site are equally worth. For example, if you get a link from New York Times, you would rank higher than if you got one from Veloce International – Official Website. Therefore, your main goal should be getting backlinks from high-authority and reputable websites as these will have the biggest impact on your ranking.

    5. Make sure you have a cohesive brand and website.

    If people look at your logo and get confused or turned away by it then you won’t see a lot of traffic. The same goes for your website. If it’s hard to understand what it’s all about, people will get scared away.

    6. publish Quality Content.

    Quality content is KEY if you want to increase your website traffic because after all, the reason people visit your website is for its content. Make sure the content you publish is top-notch.

    7. Don’t do Black Hat SEO

    Black hat SEO is when you manipulate how search engines perceive the relevance of a Web page by using irrelevant keywords. In the long run, doing this will make you rank lower in search engines.

    8. You need to ensure your blog’s value proposition is clear, focused and appeals to your target audience.

    9. Publish content that solves your audiences problems in the best way possible.

    10. Take a look at specific keywords/topics which you may want to rank for.

    Take a look at the keywords but forget about those keywords until you’ve written blog posts – This will ensure your content is 100% focused on users and not trying to cram in more keywords.

    11. Leverage the influencers of others in your niche to grow your audience.

    For example, mentioning influencers in your content (when relevant) and letting them know about it is a good way to start. Take things further with group interviews and other content where influencers can be asked to contribute. You can also use influencer marketing if your website is selling physical products that they can use and show their followers.

    11. Repurpose your content on different platforms.

    Your already existing content can get a new life in many different ways. Could you turn a blog post into an infographic or a Slideshare presentation? Yes, you can! You could turn a blog post into a video or a podcast. This rocks because some people prefer different types of content, and you can then tap into that audience and have the biggest impact.

    12. Update your old content

    This is a really important step to increase your website traffic. For most blogs, old content will drive the most traffic, especially from search engines. Keep these updated and ensure they stay relevant. By doing this, you’ll keep hold of that traffic.

    13. Write guest posts.

    Most guest posts won’t get you much traffic initially but it drives awareness and it does give you backlinks. Over the long term, awareness will open up opportunities to contribute to larger blogs, and other opportunities you’ll never have imagined when you first started out. It’s not a magic bullet, but it DOES help.

    14. Don’t underestimate word of mouth traffic.

    Think about why someone might recommend your site to others or share it on social media. Just having a closed home page doesn’t give people any reason to do that. Try to think about reasons why your target audience would spread your page word to mouth and try to adapt to that.

    15. Learn how to write well.

    Whether you are writing blog posts or writing appealing product descriptions, you should practice on learning how to write well because ultimately, that’s what will attract visitors.

    Writing well will take sometime, but it is one huge skill you can learn that will bring you multiple folds of benefits. Once your content is awesome, your visitors will love you, Google will love you, and more people will find you, and more people will love you…etc (you see the viral effect?)

    15. Write content that people want.

    People want answers to their solutions. Write well and give it to them. What is well? It means your blog must be the ultimate and Final resource they go to for their answers. Write so well their problem is solved when they see your blog.

    16. Add value.

    With everything you post, you should bring the visitors value. It can be you solving their problem with a blog post or it can be answering questions they might have.

    17. Post content regularly.

    Posting content regularly will let your followers know that you are still around, it will help you rank higher in search engines as your website becomes more relevant and people will visit your website regularly to see if you’ve published any new content.

    18. Optimize your website for Search Engines.

    Improve meta descriptions, add title tags and use keywords etc.

    19. Participate in online forums.

    Participating in questions that you know a lot of and is interested in can really help improve your reputation. It can also help you spread backlinks and in that way get more website visitors.


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